
EXecutive Summary

1                      Introduction                                                                          

1.1                   Project Description                                                           

1.2                   Purpose of the Report                                                     

1.3                   Structure of the Report                                                

2                      Baseline Air quality monitoring                                   

2.1                   Monitoring Station                                                             

2.2                   Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme     

2.3                   Monitoring Equipment and Methodology               

2.4                   Results and Observations                                             

2.5                   Establishment of Action and Limit Levels               

3                      Baseline Noise Monitoring                                              

3.1                   Monitoring Station                                                             

3.2                   Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme     

3.3                   Monitoring Equipment and Methodology               

3.4                   Results and Observations                                             

3.5                   Action and Limit level                                                        

4                      Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring           

4.1                   Monitoring Parameters                                                   

4.2                   Monitoring Procedures and Locations                   

4.3                   Results and Observations                                             

4.4                   Event and Action Plan                                                       

5                      conclusion                                                                              

5.1                   Baseline Air Quality                                                            

5.2                   Baseline Noise                                                                        

5.3                   Landscape and Visual                                                        




Annex A

Location of Air Quality and Noise Monitoring Stations

Annex B

Baseline Air and Noise Monitoring Schedule

Annex C

Calibration Reports for High Volume Samplers

Annex D

Baseline 24-hr and 1-hr TSP Monitoring Results

Annex E

Calibration Reports for Noise Monitoring Equipments

Annex F

Baseline Noise Monitoring Results

Annex G

Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring Results



ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) was appointed by Gammon Construction Ltd to undertake baseline air quality, noise monitoring and landscape and visual monitoring prior to the commencement of construction works for the Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from North Point to Stonecutters Island (the Project) for Drainage Services Department (DSD) under the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS) Stage 2A.   

This Baseline Monitoring Report has been prepared pursuant to Condition 4.3 of the Environmental Permit for the Project (EP-322/2008/B) and Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual for the HATS Stage 2A.

Baseline Air Quality Monitoring

Baseline air quality monitoring were conducted between 25 September and 24 October 2009 at designated monitoring stations established for the Project.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period varied from sunny, cloudy to rainy.  No major activities in vicinity of the designed monitoring stations were undertaken during baseline monitoring, and therefore the baseline air quality monitoring data established in this monitoring period are representative of the baseline condition for the Project. 

The Action Levels for 24-hr and 1-hr TSP during impact monitoring established based on the measured baseline TSP levels for assessing the impact and compliance during the construction of the Project. 

Baseline Noise Monitoring

Baseline noise monitoring was conducted between 18 September and 18 October 2009 at designated monitoring stations established for the Project.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period varied from sunny, cloudy to rainy. 

The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) between 0700 and 1900 hours at are well within 75dB(A), which is daytime construction noise limit under Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO).  Yet, the Leq, 30min at NM1 exceeds 65 dB(A), the Limit Level of daytime construction noise during examination periods.  The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 1900 and 2300 hours on weekdays and between 0700-2300 on public holidays (including Sundays) at all but NM2 and NM3 are within 70 dB(A), which is the evening acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO.  The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 2300 and 0700 hours during night-time at all stations exceeds 60dB(A) and (Leq, 5min), which is the night-time acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO.  No major activities in the Project were undertaken during baseline monitoring period, and therefore the baseline noise monitoring data is representative of the baseline condition for the Project.

During impact monitoring, the Action Level will be triggered when one complaint is received, and the daytime construction noise limit under EIAO, ie 75 dB(A) will be adopted as the Limit Level.  In particular at NM1, 70dB(A) and 69.0dB(A) will be respectively adopted as the Limit Level during the normal teaching period and examination period.

Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring

Site visits for the baseline landscape and visual baseline monitoring were made on 23 September and 30 October 2009.  No significant changes between existing and the baseline conditions of LRs, LCAs and views towards VSRs as stipulated in the EIA were identified.  No changes to the landscape and visual mitigation measures as proposed in EIA are therefore, required.


1                                            Introduction

1.1                                      Project Description

ERM-Hong Kong, Limited (ERM) was appointed as an Environmental Team (ET) to undertake baseline monitoring prior to the commencement of construction works for the DC/2007/23 - Construction of Sewage Conveyance System from North Point to Stonecutters Island (the Project) for Drainage Services Department (DSD) under the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme Stage 2A (HATS2A).  The Project comprises the construction of production shafts, drop shafts and riser shaft and approximately 12km of tunnel excavation from North Point via Sai Ying Pun to Stonecutters Island.  Shafts vary in depth from 140m and 170m below ground with 10 - 12m diameter.  Tunnel face area ranges from 16 to 23 m2.  Embedded drainage pipelines will be installed upon the completion of tunnel excavation.

Construction works to be carried out under this Contract include the following major items:

·       construction of sewage conveyance system (SCS) from North Point Preliminary Treatment Works (NP PTW) to Stonecutters Island Sewage Treatment Works (SCI STW) via Wan Chai East Preliminary Treatment Works (WCE PTW), Central Preliminary Treatment Works (CEN PTW) and Fung Mat Street Sai Ying Pun (SYP) junction shaft;

·       construction of drop shafts at NP PTW, WCE PTW and CEN PTW;

·       construction of riser shaft at SCI STW;

·       construction of junction shaft at SYP;

·       construction of temporary production shafts at NP, WCE and SCI to provide access for the construction of SCS;

·       construction of connection channels, pipes, chambers and tunnel connecting the proposed drop shafts / riser shaft to the facilities of the preliminary treatment works / sewage treatment works;

·       carrying out survey of existing buildings, taking over of existing and installation of new piezometers and ground settlement markers and subsequent monitoring thereof and vibration monitoring along the alignment of the SCS;

·       miscellaneous building, civil, electrical and mechanical works; and

·       landscape works.

1.2                                      Purpose of the Report

This Baseline Monitoring Report has been prepared pursuant to Condition 4.3 of the Environmental Permit for the Project (EP-322/2008/B) and approved Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual for the Agreement No. CE 43/2005 (EP) Harbour Area Treatment Works (HATS) Stage 2A EIA Study – Investigation.

The purpose of this Baseline Monitoring Report (BMR) is to:

·           determine ambient 24-hour and 1-hour Total Suspended Particulates (TSP) levels at the designated monitoring stations before commencement of the Project;

·           establish Action Levels of 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels for assessing the impact and compliance during the construction of the Project;

·           determine existing noise levels at the designated monitoring stations before commencement of the Project; and

·           update the status of landscape resources and visual sensitive receivers (VSRs) within or adjacent to construction sites and works area.

1.3                                      Structure of the Report

The structure of the remaining sections of the report is as follows:


Section 2 :  Baseline Air Quality Monitoring

summarizes the baseline air quality monitoring parameters, monitoring programmes, monitoring methodologies, monitoring frequency, monitoring stations, monitoring results, observations and establishes the Action Levels in accordance with the EM&A Manual.


Section 3 :  Baseline Noise Monitoring

summarizes the baseline noise monitoring parameters, monitoring programmes, monitoring methodologies, monitoring frequency, monitoring stations and monitoring results.


Section 4 :  Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring

summarizes the existing landscape and visual monitoring parameters, monitoring programmes, monitoring methodologies, monitoring frequency, monitoring stations and monitoring results.


Section 5 :  Conclusions

concludes the representativeness of the baseline monitoring results and observations for the Project.


2                                            Baseline Air quality monitoring

2.1                                      Monitoring Location

Since access to some of the proposed monitoring locations stated in the EM&A Manual were rejected or not available, alternative locations, therefore, were proposed and agreed by the ER and the IEC.  The construction air quality monitoring stations for this Contract are listed in Table 2.1 and shown in Figures 1 to 5 in Annex A.  The original proposed monitoring locations in EM&A Manual are also shown in Figures 1 to 5 for reference.

Table 3.1        Construction Phase Air Monitoring Location


Proposed Construction Air Quality Monitoring Station


ID in EM&A Manual




North Point



Chan’s Creative School (formerly known as Madam Chan Wai Chow Memorial School)

·     Access for station setup to K.Wah Centre (CM_NP1) and Tin Chiu Street Children’s Playground (CM_NP3) was rejected.




Rooftop of Hong Kong & Islands Regional Office, WSD

Wan Chai East



Rooftop of Wan Chai East PTW

·     The rooftop of Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals building (CM_WC1) was crowded with existing facilities (eg water tanks) that setup of HVSs for baseline monitoring is not feasible.




A Location within the DSD Central PTW

·     Access to Sheung Wan Fire Station (CM_C1) was rejected.

·     All possible locations along Connaught Road West and Connaught Road East have been exhausted and no suitable location is identified due to rejection by the premise owner, security reason, without guaranteed access or inaccessible.  AM4 is the alternative location.

Fung Mat Street



Western Wholesale Food Market





Works Site Boundary

·     Power Access supply for operation of HVS was not feasible to the rooftop of Government Dockyard Offices (CM_SCI1).

·     For COSCO HIT Terminal (CM_SCI2), access application was verbally rejected.

·     Club House (CM_SCI3) is blocked by a high building which will deteriorate the dust levels during measurement.

·     Work Site Boundary (near Ngong Shuen Chau Barracks Group 2 (CM_SCI4) was designed for the HATS2A Disinfection Facilities works and the station is separated by a small hill.

·     Baseline dust monitoring data measured under HATS2A – Provision of Disinfection Facilities at SCISTW will also be obtained for the establishment of the action level for the impact monitoring.

2.2                                      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme

Baseline air quality monitoring was conducted in accordance with the requirements stipulated in the EM&A Manual (Table 2.2) at the proposed monitoring stations.  Total suspended particulates (TSP) is the monitoring parameter during the baseline AQ monitoring.  The baseline TSP monitoring schedule is shown in Annex B.  TSP monitoring at AM1 was ceased on 1, 3, 4 and 11 Oct 2009 as access to the school is not available on public holidays.  TSP monitoring at AM6 was also ceased on 11 Oct 2009 as the monitoring station was not accessible on the said date.  TSP monitoring at the above stations were therefore conducted after the original 14-day monitoring period accordingly.

Table 3.2        Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Parameter and Frequency



24-hour TSP

Once per day for 14 consecutive days

1-hour TSP

3 times per day for 14 consecutive days

2.3                                      Monitoring Equipment and Methodology

The baseline TSP levels were measured with equipment in accordance with requirements stated in Sections 2.8 to 2.14 and Sections 2.15 to 2.19 of the EM&A Manual. 

2.3.1                                Monitoring Equipment

Continuous 24-hour and 1-hour TSP monitoring were performed using High Volume Samplers (HVS) with appropriate sampling inlets installed, located at the designated monitoring station.  The performance specification of HVS complied with the standard method “Determination of Suspended Particulate Matter in the Atmosphere (High Volume Method)” as stipulated in US EPA Standard Title 40, Code of Federation Regulations Chapter 1 (Part 50 Appendix B).  Table 2.3 summarizes the equipment that were deployed for the 24-hour and 1-hour TSP monitoring respectively.

Table 3.3        TSP Monitoring Equipment

Monitoring Station

Monitoring Equipment (HVS and Calibrator)

24-hr TSP



GMW GS-2310 (S/N 1808), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 0145), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 0481), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 0764), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 8162), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 1254), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)

1-hr TSP



GMW GS-2310 (S/N 0816), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 0106), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 1806), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 9315), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 1658), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)


GMW GS-2310 (S/N 7580), CM-AIR-43 (S/N 9833620)

2.3.2                                Monitoring Methodology

Installation by Envirotech

The setup locations of the HVSs at monitoring stations were listed in Table 2.1 in the above sections.  All HVSs were free-standing with no obstruction. 

The following criteria were considered in the installation of the HVSs:

·      appropriate support to secure the samplers against gusty wind were provided at AM1-AM6;

·      a minimum of 2m separation from walls, parapets and penthouses was required for rooftop samplers;

·      no furnace or incinerator flues were nearby;

·      airflow around the sampler was unrestricted; and

·      permission was obtained to set up the samplers and to gain access to the monitoring stations.

Preparation of Filter Papers by SGS Hong Kong Ltd

·       glass fibre filters were labelled and sufficient filters that were clean and without pinholes were selected;

·       all filters were equilibrated in the conditioning environment for 24 hours before weighing.  The conditioning environment temperature was around 25 °C and not variable by more than ± 3 °C; the relative humidity (RH) was 40%; and

·       SGS Hong Kong Ltd, a HOKLAS accredited laboratory, implements comprehensive quality assurance and quality control programmes.

Field Monitoring (by Envirotech)

·      the power supply was checked to ensure that the HVSs were working properly;

·      the filter holder and the area surrounding the filter were cleaned;

·      the filter holder was removed by loosening the foul bolts and a new filter, with stamped number upward, on a supporting screen was aligned carefully;

·      the filter was properly aligned on the screen so that the gasket formed an airtight seal on the outer edges of the filter;

·      the swing bolts were fastened to hold the filter holder down to the frame.  The pressure applied should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edges;

·      then the shelter lid was closed and secured with the aluminium strip;

·      the HVSs were warmed-up for about 5 minutes to establish run-temperature conditions;

·      a new flowrate record sheet was set into the flow recorder;

·      the flow rates of the HVSs were checked and adjusted to between 1.22 - 1.37 m3min-1 which were within the range specified in the EM&A Manual (ie 0.6 – 1.7 m3min-1);

·      the programmable timer was set for a sampling period of 24 hours ± 1 hour, and the starting time, weather condition and the filter number were recorded;

·      the initial elapsed time was recorded;

·      at the end of sampling, the sampled filter was removed carefully and folder in half length so that only surfaces with collected particulate matter were in contact;

·      it was then placed in a clean plastic envelope and sealed;

·      all monitoring information was recorded on a standard data sheet; and

·      filters were sent to SGS Hong Kong Ltd for analysis.

Maintenance and Calibration (by Envirotech)

·       the HVSs and their accessories were maintained in good working condition, such as replacing motor brushes routinely and checking electrical wiring to ensure a continuous power supply; and

·       the flow rate of each HVS with mass flow controller were calibrated using an orifice calibrator.  Initial calibrations of the dust monitoring equipments were conducted upon installation and prior to commissioning.  Five-point calibration was carried out for HVSs using CM-AIR-43 Calibration Kit.  The calibration records for the HVSs are given in Annex C.

Wind Data Monitoring

Average wind data (wind speed and wind direction) during the monitoring period were obtained from the meteorological stations at Tsing Yi, Green Island, King’s Park and Kai Tak of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO).  The wind data were applied to different monitoring stations based on separation distance from the above listed stations. 

2.4                                      Results and Observations

The average measured baseline TSP levels for AM1 to AM6 were summarized in Table 2.4, and the detailed monitoring data together with wind data and graphical presentations are summarized in Annex D.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period varied from sunny, cloudy and rainy.

Table 3.4        Summary of Average Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Results (a)

Baseline Air Quality Monitoring Station

Average 24-hour TSP Level, mgm-3 (range of data)

Average 1-hour TSP Level, mgm-3 (range of data)



(58 – 109)


(77 – 270)



(58 – 104)


(81 – 218)



(56 – 93)


(71 – 248)








(50 – 147)


(61 – 201)







(a)       Detailed baseline TSP levels measured at each station are presented in Annex D.

No major dust emission sources were observed in the vicinity of AM1 to AM6.  A construction site is identified located at Java Road opposite to the Project’s works area.  However, building work is being carried out and no major dusty works were carried out. 

2.5                                      Establishment of Action and Limit Levels

The Action and Limit levels have been established and presented in Table 2.6 following the formula stated in the EM&A Manual (Table 2.5).  The baseline air monitoring data (24-hr and 1-hr TSP average) measured under HATS2A – Provision of Disinfection Facilities at SCISTW (DF) is also included to establish the Action Level at AM6.

Table 3.5        Proposed Action and Limit Levels for Impact Monitoring


Action Level(a) , mgm-3

Limit Level, mgm-3

24-hour TSP

·          BL £ 200 mg m-3, AL = (BL * 1.3 + LL)/2

·          BL > 200 mg m-3, AL = LL


1-hour TSP

·          BL £ 384 mg m-3, AL = (BL * 1.3 + LL)/2

·          BL > 384 mg m-3, AL = LL



(a)       BL – Baseline Level, AL – Action Level, LL – Limit Level

Table 3.6        Action and Limit Levels for Air Quality Monitoring for this Project


Air Monitoring Station

Action Level, mgm-3

Limit Level, mgm-3

24-hour TSP


((85x 1.3)+ 260)/2 = 185




((80x 1.3)+ 260)/2 = 182




((78x 1.3)+ 260)/2 = 181




((124x 1.3)+ 260)/2 = 211




((90x 1.3)+ 260)/2 = 188



AM6 (with 24-hr TSP data from DF project)

(((160x 1.3)+ 260)/2 + ((43x 1.3)+ 260)/2)/2 = 196


1-hour TSP


((139x 1.3)+ 500)/2 = 340




((157x 1.3)+ 500)/2 = 352




((162x 1.3)+ 500)/2 = 355




((220x 1.3)+ 500)/2 = 393




((126x 1.3)+ 500)/2 =332



AM6 (with 1-hr TSP data from DF project)

(((208x 1.3)+ 500)/2 + ((88x 1.3)+ 500)/2)/2 = 346


2.6                                      Event and Action Plan

Air quality monitoring will be conducted during the construction of the Project to ensure the implementation dust control mitigation measures.  Should non-compliance of the air quality monitoring action and limit levels occurs, actions in accordance with the action plan stated in Table 2.7 shall be carried out.

Table 3.7        Event Action Plan for Air Quality Monitoring

Action Level/Limit Level

Environmental Team Leader (ETL)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Engineer’s Representative (ER)



Action Level


Exceedance for one sample

·          Identify source, investigate the causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

·          Inform IEC and ER;

·          Repeat measurement to confirm finding; and,

·          Increase monitoring frequency to daily.


·          Check monitoring data submitted by ET; and,

·          Check Contractor’s working method.


·          Notify Contractor

·       Rectify any unacceptable practice; and,

·          Amend working methods if appropriate.


Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

·          Identify source;

·          Inform IEC and ER;

·          Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures;

·          Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

·          Increase monitoring frequency to daily; and,

·          Discuss with IEC and Contractor on remedial actions required;


·          Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

·          Check Contractor’s working method;

·          Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

·          Advise the ET on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; and,

·          Supervise Implementation of remedial measures.

·     Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

·     Notify Contractor, and,

·     Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.


·         Submit proposals for remedial to ER within 3 working days of notification;

·         Implement the agreed proposals;

·         Amend proposal if appropriate.








Limit Level


Exceedance for one sample

·       Identify source, investigate the  causes of exceedance and propose remedial measures;

·       Inform ER, Contractor and EPD;

·       Repeat measurement to confirm finding;

·       Increase monitoring frequency to daily; and,

·        Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results.


·          Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

·          Check Contractor’s working method;

·          Discuss with ET and Contractor on possible remedial measures;

·          Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures; and,

·          Supervise implementation of remedial measures.

·          Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

·          Notify Contractor; and,

·          Ensure remedial measures properly implemented.

·         Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

·         Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

·         Implement the agreed proposals; and,

·         Amend proposal if appropriate.


Exceedance for two or more consecutive samples

·        Notify IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD;

·        Identify source;

·        Repeat measurement to confirm findings;

·        Increase monitoring frequency to daily;

·        Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures to determine possible mitigation to be implemented;

·        Arrange meeting with IEC and ER to discuss the remedial actions to be taken;

·        Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; and,

·        If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

·          Check monitoring data submitted by ET;

·          Check Contractor’s working method;

·          Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions;

·          Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly; and,

·          Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.

·          Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

·          Notify Contractor;

·          In consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

·          Ensure remedial measures properly implemented; and,

·          If exceedance continues, consider what portion of the work is responsible and instruct the Contractor to stop that portion of work until the exceedance is abated.

·         Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

·         Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC within 3 working days of notification;

·         Implement the agreed proposals;

·         Resubmit proposals if problem still not under control; and,

·         Stop the relevant portion of works as determined by the ER until the exceedance is abated.


3                                            Baseline Noise Monitoring

3.1                                      Monitoring Location

Accesses to some of the proposed monitoring locations stated in the EM&A Manual were rejected or not available; alternative locations, therefore, were proposed and agreed by the ER and the IEC.  The construction noise monitoring locations for this Contract are listed in Table 3.1 and are shown in Figures 1 to 5 in Annex A.  The original proposed monitoring locations in EM&A Manual are also shown in Figures 1 to 5 for reference.

Table 4.1        Proposed Construction Noise Monitoring Station


Proposed Construction Noise Monitoring Station


ID in EM&A Manual



Type of Measurement


North Point



Rooftop of Chan’s Creative School (formerly known as Madam Chan Wai Chow Memorial School)



Wan Chai East



Rooftop of Hyde Building


·         No guaranteed access for equipment set-up due to no caretaker of Kei Wah Building (M2)

·         Alternative location, NM2, is located next to Kei Wah Building and is also the background noise monitoring station in the HATS2A EIA study.




Rooftop of Goldfield Building


·          Chi Cheung Building (M4) is not accessible.

Fung Mat Road



Rooftop of Block A, Kwan Yick Building Phase III






A Location near the FSD Diving Rescue and Diving Training Centre near the Site Boundary

Free-Field (3dB(A) was added to the measured results)

·         Access to FSD Fire Rescue and Diving Training Centre (M11) was rejected.

·         NM5 is located next to the original proposed location.

3.2                                      Monitoring Parameters, Frequency and Programme

Baseline noise monitoring was conducted at the designated noise monitoring stations listed in Table 3.1 for 14 consecutive days subjected to weather conditions.  The baseline noise monitoring programme is shown in Annex B.  Noise monitoring has been ceased from 28 September 2009 to 1 October 2009 at NM1, NM2, NM3 and NM4 due to rainy weather.  Noise monitoring at NM4 originally scheduled from 2 to 6 October 2009 were also repeated on 13 to 17 October 2009 due to equipment malfunctioning.

The baseline noise levels were measured in terms of A-weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure level (Leq) in decibels dB(A).  Supplementary information for data auditing, two statistical sound levels L10 and L90; the levels exceeded for 10 and 90 percent of the time respectively, were also recorded during the monitoring for reference.  The measured noise levels were logged in every 5 minutes throughout the baseline monitoring period.

3.3                                      Monitoring Equipment and Methodology

Baseline noise measurements were conducted (by Envirotech) in accordance with the calibration and measurement procedures as stated in Annex – General Calibration and Measurement Procedures of Technical Memorandum on Noise from Construction Work other than Percussive Piling (GW-TM) issued under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO) (Cap.400).

The sound level meters and calibrator used for the noise measurement, as listed in Table 3.2, complies with IEC 651: 1979 and 804:1985 (Type 1) specification.  The calibration certificates of the sound level meters are included in Annex E.

Table 4.2        Noise Monitoring Equipment

Monitoring Station

Monitoring Equipment (Noise Meter and Calibrator)


Rion NL-18 (S/N 00360030), NC73 (S/N 10786708)


Rion NL-31 (S/N 00320533), NC73 (S/N 10786708)


Rion NL-31 (S/N 00410224), NC73 (S/N 10786708)


Rion NL-31 (S/N 00201194) / Rion NA-27 (S/N 00410224), NC73 (S/N 10786708)


Rion NA-27 (S/N 00201194), NC73 (S/N 10786708)

Immediately prior to and following the noise measurements, the accuracy of the measurement equipment was checked using an acoustic calibrator generating a known sound pressure level at a known frequency.  Measurements were accepted as the calibration level from before and after the noise measurement agree to within 1.0 dB.  A correction of +3dBA) was made to the free field measurement at NM5. 

3.4                                      Results and Observations

The baseline noise monitoring results are summarized in Table 3.3 and the detailed monitoring data together with graphical presentations are presented in Annex F.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period at the designated monitoring stations varied from sunny, cloudy to rainy.  The noise monitoring results below will be used as a reference of future impact monitoring period.

Table 4.3        Summary of Noise Monitoring Results

Noise Monitoring Stations

Average LAeq, 30min, dB(A)

(0700 – 1900 hours on normal weekday) (range of data)

Average Leq, 5min, dB(A)

during evening (1900 – 2300 hours) and general holidays (0700-2300 hrs including Sundays) (range of data)

Average Leq, 5min, dB(A)

(2300 – 0700 hours during night-time) (range of data)



(66.2 – 71.7)


























NM5 (corrected data for free-field)







The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) at NM1 between 0700 and 1900 hours and (Leq, 5min) between 1900-2300 and public holidays are well within 70dB(A), which is daytime and evening construction noise limit under the EIAO and Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).  However, while NM1 is set up in a school, the 14-day average LAeq, 30min measured between 0700 and 1900 hours exceeds 65 dB(A), the Limit Level of daytime construction noise during examination periods.  Traffic noise from King’s Road, Java Road and nearby small roads; school bell rings; student noise were the key noise sources during measurement. 

The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) at NM2 between 0700 and 1900 hours is within 75dB(A), which is daytime construction noise limit under Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), but the measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 1900-2300 and public holidays and (Leq, 5min) between 2300 and 0700 hours exceeds 70 dB(A) and 60dB(A) and (Leq, 5min), which is the evening and night-time acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO.  Traffic noise from Gloucester Road and Hung Hing Road are the major sources.  No major construction activities in the vicinity were identified in the vicinity during measurement. 

The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) at NM3 between 0700 and 1900 hours is within 75dB(A), which is daytime construction noise limit under EIAO, but the measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 1900-2300 and public holidays and (Leq, 5min) between 2300 and 0700 hours exceeds 70 dB(A) and 60dB(A) and (Leq, 5min), which is the evening and night-time acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO  Traffic noise from Connaught Road Central is the major noise source contributing the baseline noise measured.  No construction activities were identified in the vicinity during measurement. 

The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) at NM4 between 0700 and 1900 hours and (Leq, 5min) between 1900-2300 and public holidays are well within 75dB(A) and 70dB(A), which is daytime and evening construction noise limit under EIAO and NCO, but the measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 2300 and 0700 hours exceeded 60dB(A), which is the night-time acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO.  Traffic noise from Connaught Road West is the major noise source contributing the results.  No construction activities were identified in the vicinity during measurement. 

The measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 30min) at NM5 between 0700 and 1900 hours and (Leq, 5min) between 1900-2300 and public holidays are well within 75dB(A) and 70dB(A), which is daytime and evening construction noise limit under EIAO and NCO, but the measured baseline noise levels (Leq, 5min) between 2300 and 0700 hours slightly exceeds 60dB(A), which is the night-time acceptable noise limit (ANL) for urban areas under NCO.  Operations at the Government Dockyard and traffic within the SCI STW were the major noise source.   No construction activities were identified in the vicinity during measurement. 

3.5                                      Action and Limit level

During impact monitoring, the Action Level will be triggered when one complaint is received, and the daytime construction noise limit on normal weekdays under EIAO, ie 75 dB(A) will be adopted as the Limit Level.

At NM1, 70dB(A) will be adopted as the Limit Level during the normal teaching period.  Meanwhile, the average LAeq, 30min measured at NM1 between 0700 and 1900 hours is 69.0 dB(A), exceeding the Limit Level of daytime construction noise during examination periods (65 dB(A)) and it will therefore be adopted as the Limit Level during the examination period at NM1. 

3.6                                      Event and Action Plan

Noise monitoring will be conducted during the construction of the Project to ensure the implementation noise control mitigation measures.  Should non-compliance of the noise action and limit levels occur, actions in accordance with the action plan stated in Table 3.4 shall be carried out.

Table 4.4        Event Action Plan for Noise Monitoring

Action Level/Limit Level

Environmental Team Leader (ETL)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Engineer’s Representative (ER)



Action Level being exceeded

·          Notify ER, IEC and Contractor;

·          Carry out investigation;

·          Report the results of investigation to the IEC, ER and Contractor;

·          Discuss with the IEC and Contractor on remedial measures required; and,

·          Increase monitoring frequency to check mitigation effectiveness.

·          Review the investigation results submitted by the ET;

·          Review the proposed remedial measures by the Contractor and advise the ER accordingly; and,

·          Advise the ER on the effectiveness of the proposed remedial measures.

·          Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

·          Notify Contractor;

·          In consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented; and,

·          Supervise the implementation of remedial measures.

·          Submit noise mitigation proposals to IEC and ER; and,

·          Implement noise mitigation proposals.








Limit Level being exceeded

·          Inform IEC, ER, Contractor and EPD;

·          Repeat measurements to confirm findings;

·          Increase monitoring frequency;

·          Identify source and investigate the cause of exceedance;

·          Carry out analysis of Contractor’s working procedures;

·          Discuss with the IEC, Contractor and ER on remedial measures required;

·          Assess effectiveness of Contractor’s remedial actions and keep IEC, EPD and ER informed of the results; and,

·          If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring.

·          Discuss amongst ER, ET, and Contractor on the potential remedial actions; and,

·          Review Contractor’s remedial actions whenever necessary to assure their effectiveness and advise the ER accordingly.

·          Confirm receipt of notification of failure in writing;

·          Notify Contractor;

·          In consultation with the IEC, agree with the Contractor on the remedial measures to be implemented;

·          Supervise the implementation of remedial measures; and,

·          If exceedance continues, consider stopping the Contractor to continue working on that portion of work which causes the exceedance until the exceedance is abated.

·          Take immediate action to avoid further exceedance;

·          Submit proposals for remedial actions to IEC and ER within 3 working days of notification;

·          Implement the agreed proposals;

·          Submit further proposal if problem still not under control; and,

·          Stop the relevant portion of works as instructed by the ER until the exceedance is abated.



4                                            Baseline Landscape and Visual Monitoring

4.1                                      Monitoring Parameters

Site visits were undertaken on 23 September and 30 October 2009 to review the baseline landscape and visual conditions of each site and its vicinity with regard to parameters assessed in the Section 13 of the approved EIA Report of HATS2A.  This includes landscape resources (LRs), landscape character areas (LCAs) and viewing condition of Visual Sensitive Receiver (VSR) as summarized below:

Landscape Resource (LR)

      LR1 – Trees on PTW and temporary works area (TWA) at North Point

      LR2 – Trees on PTW and TWA at Wan Chai East

      LR3 – Trees on Central PTW and Sai Ying Pun TWA

      LR9 – Trees on SCISTW and temporary works areas on Stonecutters Island

Landscape Character Area (LCA)

      LCA1 – Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape

      LCA2 –Civic Urban Waterfront Landscape

      LCA3 – Transportation Corridor Landscape

      LCA4 – Residential Urban Landscape

      LCA5 – Industrial Urban Landscape

Visual Sensitive Receiver (VSR)

Table 4.1 lists the key VSRs found within the Zone of Visual Influence (ZVI).

Table 4.1        Key Visual Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)

Id. No.

Key Visual Sensitive Receivers (VSRs)

Type of VSRs (a)

North Point Area


K. Wah Centre



625 King’s Road



Kodak House



Temporary Carpark, Planned Residential Area



Healthy Garden



614-632 King’s Road



483-497 King’s Road



Healthy Village Estate



62-76 Marble Road

Commercial/ Residential


Island Place Tower

Commercial/ Residential


Tin Chiu Road Playground



Existing Carpart, Planned Customs HR Tower

Government/ Institution/ Community


Kai Fong Ass. Madame Chan Wai Chow Memorial School

Government/ Institution/ Community


ICAC North Point Headquarter

Government/ Institution/ Community


Regional Office Water Supplies Dept

Government/ Institution/ Community


Tin Chiu Road Children Playground



Sitting Out area near North Point waterfront



Man Hong Street Playground



King’s Road Playground



King’s Road



Java Road



Island East Corridor Slip Road “F”


Wan Chai East Area


Harbour Centre



Causeway Centre



Sun Hung Kai Centre



144-159 Gloucester Road



160-200 Gloucester Road



210-233 Gloucester Road



Elizabeth House



256-275 Gloucester Road



Existing Wan Chai Swimming Centre, Planned waterfront open space

Government/ Institution/ Community


Wan Chai Sport Ground

Government/ Institution/ Community


SPCA Hong Kong

Government/ Institution/ Community


Vehicle Emission Testing Centre

Government/ Institution/ Community


Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club



Cross Harbour Tunnel Rest Garden



Wan Chai Waterfront park



Gloucester Road



Hung Hing Road



Victoria Harbour


Central and Sai Ying Pun Area


Shun Tak Centre



11-47 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


8-227 Wing Lok Street

Commercial/ Residential


55-60 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


62-87 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


88-103A Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


107-128 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


129-152 Connaught Road

Commercial/ Residential


Connaught Garden

Commercial/ Residential


158A-162 Connaught Road West

Commercial/ Residential


165-167 Connaught Road West

Commercial/ Residential


168-185B Connaught Road West

Commercial/ Residential


Sheung Wan Zone Substation

Government/ Institution/ Community


Waterfront Divisional Police Station

Government/ Institution/ Community


Sheung Wan Fire Station

Government/ Institution/ Community


Western Park Indoor Game Hall



HK Macau Ferry Terminal



Bus Terminal



Western Wholesale Market



Sun Yen Sen Memorial Park



Connaught Road



Victoria Harbour


Stonecutters Island Area


Mei Foo Sun Chuen



Hoi Lai Estate



Fu Cheong Estate



Nam Cheong Estate



Manhattan Hill



Nam Cheong Station



Government Dockyard

Government/ Institution/ Community


West Kowloon North Sewage Pumping Station

Government/ Institution/ Community

OU 9.1

Ngong Shuen Chau Barracks

Government/ Institution/ Community


Container Terminal 8



Open Storage Car Park

Government/ Institution/ Community


West Kowloon Refuse Transfer Station

Government/ Institution/ Community


Shipyard and Cheung Sha Wan Wholesale Market

Government/ Institution/ Community

I 9.1

Kowloon Motor Bus Depot



West Kowloon Expressway



Container Port Road South



(a)      R = Residential; C = Commercial, C/R = Commercial/Residential, GIC = Government/Institution/Community, O = Open space, OU = Others use; T = Transport related.

4.2                                      Monitoring Procedures and Locations

In accordance with the EM&A Manual, the baseline review should be conducted by a register landscape architect (RLA) to record changes of each landscape resource, landscape character area and the viewing conditions of visually sensitive receiver.  The monitoring procedures and criteria as described in the EM&A Manual were adopted for the baseline landscape and visual assessment.

The present baseline condition of LRs, LCAs, and VSRs within the zone of visual influence, were checked against Section 13 of the approved EIA Report of HATS2A through on site verification and Tree Survey Report for this Project.

4.3                                      Results and Observations

4.3.1                                Landscape Resources (LRs)

Based on the site visit findings, the review of the Tree Survey Report for this Project and updated construction worksite boundary, the number of trees at each worksites in NP, WCE, CEN, SYP and SCI is updated.  The health, form and amenity value of trees, inclusive those marked for future transplant and retained, were similar to that described in the EIA except two dead trees were observed in LR1.  No significant change in landscape resources at LR1, LR2, LR3 and LR9 was found.

The updated information is summarized in Table 4.2 and the change status of the LR is presented in Table 4.3.

Table 4.2        Updated Information on Landscape Resources


Name of LR

No. of Trees identified in EIA Report

No. of Trees estimated to be affected in the EIA Report

Updated no. of Trees Identified within Project Worksites During Baseline Monitoring (a)


Trees on TWA and PTW at North Point


(with 5 dead trees)



(with 7 dead trees) (a)(b)


Trees on PTW and TWA at Wan Chai East



56 (b)


Trees on Central PTW and Sai Ying Pun TWA



5 (b)


Trees on SCISTW and TWA on Stonecutters Island



21 (b)



(a)     Site boundaries of work sites in the Project have updated from the boundaries stated in the EIA based on current site conditions.

(b)     The estimated number of trees in the EIA covers all trees in the Project areas of HATS Stage2A.  While this Project only covers works to be carried out at the worksite presented in Figure 5 of Annex A, the total number of trees identified within Project worksites during baseline monitoring is therefore smaller than the number estimated in the EIA Report.

Table 4.3        Landscape Resources with Changed Status


Name of LR

Tree No.

Previous Status

Current Status


Trees on TWA and PTW at North Point








4.3.2                                Landscape Character Areas (LCAs)

Based on the site visit findings, no substantial change in the baseline condition of LCA was found.  Fig 4.1 to 4.4 in Annex G shows the existing LCAs locations and Fig 4.5 in Annex G shows the typical LCA onsite.  A summary of the baseline condition of LCAs recorded in the recent review and EIA is given in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4        Baseline condition of LCAs


Condition Reported in EIA Report

Recent Review during Baseline Monitoring


Miscellaneous Urban Fringe Landscape

Same as the EIA report


Civic Urban Waterfront Landscape

Same as the EIA report


Transportation Corridor Landscape

Same as the EIA report


Residential Urban Landscape

Same as the EIA report


Industrial Urban Landscape

Same as the EIA report

4.3.3                                Visual Sensitive Receiver (VSR)

Based on the site visit findings, no substantial change was observed except a new VSR identified in North Point (R1.6, Island Lodge) and three identified VSRs to be updated.  A summary of updated information for a newly identified R1.6 and three updated VSRs is given in Table 4.5.  Since the view from R1.6 is similar to those adjacent VSRs, the landscape and visual mitigation measures as proposed in EIA should be sufficient to mitigate the visual impact and no additional mitigation measures are therefore required. 

Fig 4.6-4.9 of Annex G shows the existing location of VSRs.  A comparison of viewing condition of VSR in the approved EIA Report and baseline site visit at all VSRs relevant to this Project, as listed in Table 4.1, are shown in Figures 4.10 to 4.18 in Annex G. 

Table 4.5        Update Information of VSRs


Id. No.

Visual Sensitive Receivers

Type of Visual Sensitive Receivers

Change observed

North Point



Island Lodge


New VSR identified

North Point


Customs HR Tower
(Under Construction)

Government/ Institution/ Community

Existing Car park has been demolished and Customs HR Tower is currently under construction


North Point


62-76 Marble Road

Commercial/ Residential

Location of CR1.1 on plan in the approved EIA Report is incorrect.  Refer to Figure 4.6 of Annex G for the correct location of CR1.1


North Point


Chan's Creative School

Government/ Institution/ Community

VSR name updated

4.4                                      Event and Action Plan

No significant change in baseline condition from the approved EIA Report was recorded for LRs, LCAs and views from VSRs.  Hence, no revision of landscape and visual mitigation measures is required for construction phase proposed in Section 10.7 of the approved EIA Report and Section 11.10 and Implementation Schedule (IS) of EM&A Manual.

Nevertheless, landscape and visual monitoring audit will be conducted during the construction of the Project to ensure that the implementation and maintenance of landscape and visual mitigation measures.  Site inspections will be undertaken at least once every month throughout the construction period.

Should non-compliance of the landscape and visual impacts occur, actions in accordance with the action plan stated in Table 4.6 shall be carried out.


Table 4.6        Event and Action Plan for Landscape and Visual Impact - Construction Phase

Action Level

Environmental Team Leader (ETL)

Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

Engineer’s Representative (ER)



Non-conformity on one occasion

Identify source

Inform the IEC and the ER

Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor

Monitor remedial action until rectification has been completed

Check report

Check the Contractor’s working method

Discuss with the ER and the Contractor on possible remedial measures

Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures


Notify the Contractor

Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented


Amend working methods

Rectify damage and undertake remedial measures or any necessary replacement

Repeated Non-conformity

Identify source

Inform the IEC and the ER

Increase monitoring (site audit) frequency

Discuss remedial actions with the IEC, the ER and the Contractor

Monitor remedial actions until rectification has been completed

If exceedance stops, cease additional monitoring (site audit)

Check report

Check the Contractor’s working method

Discuss with the ER and the Contractor on possible remedial measures

Advise the ER on effectiveness of proposed remedial measures

Supervise implementation of remedial measures

Notify the Contractor

Ensure remedial measures are properly implemented

Amend working methods

Rectify damage and undertake remedial measures or any necessary replacement


5                                            conclusion

5.1                                      Baseline Air Quality

Baseline 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels were measured in 14 consecutive days at the designated monitoring stations (AM1-AM6) established for the Project between 25 September and 24 October 2009.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period varied from sunny, cloudy to rainy.  There was no major construction activity identified in the vicinity of the monitoring stations influencing the measured TSP levels.  The measured TSP levels are therefore representative of the baseline condition for the Project.

The measured 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels were used to establish the Action Levels for impact monitoring throughout the construction of the Project.

5.2                                      Baseline Noise

Baseline noise levels (Leq, L10 and L90) were conducted at the designated monitoring stations (NM1-NM5) for 14 consecutive days between 18 September and 18 October 2009.  The weather condition during the baseline monitoring period varied from sunny, cloudy to rainy.  There was no major construction activity from the Project identified influencing the measured noise levels at NM1 to NM5.  Monitoring results indicate that the collected noise data is representative of the baseline condition at the impact monitoring stations.

During impact monitoring, the Action Level will be triggered when one complaint is received, and the daytime construction noise limit under EIAO, ie 75 dB(A) will be adopted as the Limit Level.  In particular at NM1, 70dB(A) and 69.0 dB(A) will be respectively adopted as the Limit Level during the normal teaching period and examination period.

5.3                                      Landscape and Visual

Site visits for the environmental baseline monitoring were made between 23 September and 30 October 2009.  No significant changes between existing and the baseline condition of LRs, LCAs and views towards VSRs as stipulated in the EIA were identified except a new VSR, ie, a residential building – Island Lodge.  Since the view from the new VSR is similar to those adjacent identified VSRs, the landscape and visual mitigation measures as proposed in EIA should be sufficient to mitigate the visual impact.  No changes to the landscape and visual mitigation measures as proposed in EIA are therefore, required.  Compliance to the EIA is mandatory and close monitory throughout the construction period shall be undertaken as per the Event and Action Plan in the EM&A Manual of the Project.